"I Love Lucy" Tap
Jump Apart make an X with body
Twist 16
Shuffle 3 times - Step - Right and Left
Heel Step Together 8 times
Jump apart/together Clap Clap - 4 times
Heel Pat 8 Times
Tap r toe 3 x's step together at the same time rolling hand over hand
Tap l toe 3 x's step together at the same time rolling hand over hand
Heel 4, cross toe 4, heel 4 bounce
Sway Rock
Kick arms up
jump to face the left- bounce - march to the left, tap toe R, L ,R, L
Train Backwards Bow
"Lullabye" - Sit in hula hoops
Stand Up - Sway 8 - twirl
Plie, 4
Run to 'x' positions
Twirl -
arabesque to the right hands next to face
step to the left arabesque and right arabesque
circle left arm around
circle right arm around
hands on heart twirl and go back to hula hoops
Point right foot 3, first position
point left foot 3, first position
2 sautes - 1 echappe saute
go around the hula hoop
kneel down - 4 counts
butterfly wings - 2 times
arms up to 5th