It is our belief that dance is a continual learning activity. Children are able to build upon the skills (dance, spatial, musical, social and more) each month. We have found that children that enroll for short sessions do not receive the full benefit of a dance education. We offer a school year and a summer session. Tuition is charged the 1st of each month and covers all the classes in that month. We do close during some school vacation weeks and holiday weeks and are closed for a few weeks in the summer for our teacher continuing education and training. We have factored into the monthly rate the shorter months and have averaged that in to compute monthly payment. If you enroll mid-month we pro-rate.
Once enrolled your class space is held for each month. To stop enrollment, just let us know before the next month. No credits are given for the month currently enrolled. Our classes fall/winter/spring classes cease with the recital. During the Summer we offer a short session, with other single day events.
To Cease Enrollment- send us an email, or unenroll from portal. You will still be responsible for the remaining classes in that month, but there will be no charges for the following month.
Costume/ Recital Fees are non-refundable.
Tuition Rates
Yearly Registration Fee- $25/ Individual; $40/ Family. - Non Refundable
Family Discount- 10 % off siblings.
Monthly Tuition -
When your enroll pick your class(es) tuition is based on the number of hours per week paid in a monthly installment. Tuition is due the first class of each month. For example if you enroll in 2 x 45 minute classes, Tuition = $80/month. Classes meet weekly, tuition is paid monthly.
30 Minute - $45/month
45 Minute - $55/Month
1 Hour - $60/Month
1 Hour 15 Minute - $70/Month
1 Hour 30 Minutes- $80/Month
1 Hour 45 Minutes - $90/Month
2 Hours - $100/Month
2 Hours 15 Minutes - $110/Month
2 Hours 30 Minutes- $120/Month
2 Hours 45 Minutes-$125/Month
3 Hours - $130.00/ Month
4 Hours - $150/Month
5 Hours - $175/Month
6 Hours - $200/Month
Pricing is discounted for multiple classes and for siblings.
Interested in all inclusive pricing? This is a monthly fee that includes tuition, dress code package, recital costume/recital fees and tickets to each performance.
Make-Up Policy
If you need to miss a class, you may schedule a make up class. This can be done through the registration portal. We do not give discounts or refunds for missed classes.
Pro-Rated Tuition - We enroll at anytime. If you enroll mid-month our enrollment system will discount that month's enrollment to offset missed classes.
Inclement Weather - In the event of bad weather, we will post 1 hour prior to your classtime on this website, our Face Book, Instagram and registration portal. We do not give a call for studio closure. We do not give discounts for bad weather closures, however make ups are made available.
Dress Code - Proper clothing is imperative to learning how to properly dance, even for the littles. In addition to allowing for free movement, it also allows our teachers to be able to notice any misalignments or bad habits. Dancers who dress like a dancer, dance substantially better than if they are not properly dressed.
Our dress code takes into account our winter recital. So as to not add additional expenses we use our dress code as the outfit for the winter recital. Our Spring Dance Gala is different and we order costumes for that event.
Class Observation
Our waiting room is small, but we do have an area for parents and siblings. We allow all classes to be observed at all times. In case of health or other restrictions, we reserve the right to limit observation through video.
Siblings are welcome to play in waiting room.
Performance Costs
In late fall/early winter we do a Winter Showcase. This gets our dancers feet wet for the stage. Our winter themes have been Snow/Frozen; Land of Sweets; and "Nutcracker" inspired. Dancers wear their Dress Code outfit. The only cost related is tickets for those who attend the performance. This helps defray the cost of facility rental. staff, insurance and set related expenses
Spring Recital Gala - This is our big theme show with our "special" costumes. Dancers receive a themed medal, goodie bag, recital t-shirt, costume, tights and accesories, a program book with pictures, and video links of the routines. Recital fee includes two family tickets, and additional tickets can be purchased for additional attendees.
Student Choreography Showcase- NEW this year is our student choreography showcase. This event is for our older elementary and older dancers who wish to showcase their choreography. More information will be forth coming.
Mini Musical Theater/Mini Ballet - NEW this year. Also new this year is our Mini Musical Theater/Mini Ballet production.
Calendar of Events 2024/2025
We are working on finalizing details and dates for our 2024/2025 offerings and performances.
September 4,2024 - Start of Dance Classes
Bring a Friend Event
Fall Family Observation -
November 23rd - 30th - Closed for Thanksgiving Break
WINTER SHOWCASE - December 21st
December 22nd - January 5th - Closed for Winter Break
Competition Events
Dress Rehearsal - In studio dress rehearsals
On site dress rehearsal
Recital Spectacular- May 18th
Summer Performances

Our Princess dance camps incorporate dance, crafts, and snacks into each session. Children will love playing "make-believe" during the creative drama component and will imagine their way to the royal ball. We encourage dress up during this camp.