Let's Get Loud - Tap
Start upstage left corner
Wait 8 Counts
Skip to spots
Clap hands over head
Heel Heel,
march march
Jumping jack, clap clap
twist down and up
repeat heel, march, jump, and twist
Shuffle ball change
pivot turn, march march
punch the air
tap right ball of foot around to face front
Cross toe back r, l, r, l
cramp roll around (r, back, l, front)
Shuffle Grapevine, clap
back essence r & L
flap heel, pivot
march 4, flap heel pivot
jumps apart, together, jump jump
heel, toe, heel ball change, heel ball change, heel ball chage
paradiddle slow r and L
heel, toe, heel ball change, heel ball change, heel ball change
jump 8
repeat shuffle grapevine
back essence r & L
flap heel pivot
flap heel pivot
march to face stage l
heel pat 4 to window
shuffle bc, 2 times
jump back to spots 8 times
jump apart, together snap snap
step to the side together R, L
swish arms walking forward and around in place
Stamp R swing r arms
Stamp L swing l arm
Stamp R, Swing R arm
jump in place
One at a time jump into an x and then together hands on knees
Scoot back to pose spots
Arms up to 5th and open walk forward
Point toe 2 times, 1st, arms up and twirl
point toe 2 times, step arabesque, circle arm around
Step together, to the left, saute (2 x's) - Repeat
Echappe 2 times, twirl
arabesque, pas de bouree in first , 2 times
bouree to new formation
tendu 2, ronds de jambe 2 cts, passe hold
seat romms
arabesque circle arms
8 skips
repeat pointe toe to echappe
bourree forwad, post